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Time to time we like to update all our readers on our charitable activities; please see the latest:
On behalf of us all, Co-ordSport has donated £100- to the Nepal Earthquake Victims. They were mostly very poor people to start with, but it’s tragic how they are suffering now. They’re strong people, but they deserve our support.
You can read the response below and feel free to use any of the links given to make your donations:
We wanted to write to you today for many reasons, because this is about letting everyone affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal, who are receiving help and support because of you, say thank you.
DEC Member agencies are on the ground right now, helping to provide aid and support to all those affected. We’re busy dealing with the response but as soon as we can we’d like to start letting everyone know about the people we’re helping so stay tuned to our website and please watch out for e-mails if you have subscribed.
Even if you feel your generosity does not need to be thanked, we just want to say that your donation today will go a long way to changing someone’s life, maybe even saving it, so we just wanted to say thank you one more time for helping make a difference.
Thank you
We also urge you to stay in touch by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter via the links below.
Please also share news of your donation with your friends and family.
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Together we are stronger
Yours sincerely
Saleh Saeed
Your donation to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal has been submitted successfully and will soon be helping us to continue our charitable work.