PAAA Success at popular 2020 Autosport International event
Performance Automotive Aftermarket Association – Kicking off the new year at Autosport International ShowWe hope your year has started well. And, for all those of you who exhibited at last week’s Autosport International – whether for two days in the engineering hall or four days elsewhere in the exhibition – we hope it was a successful show for you. It certainly was for us and consequently, we are delighted to welcome four new members into the PAAA family:
Full Members · Deranged: Creators of bespoke pickup trucks, vans and 4x4s Associate members These new additions bring our membership up to 49 in total. During our two days on the PAAA stand on Thursday and Friday and then ‘going mobile’ on Saturday, we were also able to speak to a number of potential members – and we were very pleased with the response. Following our positive discussions, we’re hoping that we’ll see more new members joining us in the coming weeks. Needless to say, we’ll keep you posted with news and further developments in forthcoming bulletins.
Golden ticket get-together hailed a succsss! We are delighted to report that our very first post Autosport-Thursday social event was enjoyed by all who attended. During the day we handed out over 100 of our golden Willy Wonker-style tickets to members, potential members and guests. And nearly everyone turned up! Over half of the World Bar in the Genting Resorts World complex was taken up by us and we’re sure that all who attended enjoyed their free drink and the hour-plus experience. It certainly looked like they did! So much so – and because of the excellent comments we’ve had – we’re planning to make this an annual occasion. With this in mind, we look forward to seeing you there next year!
2020 Members’ events Now the excitement of the Autosport show is subsiding, we are in the process of planning our events for the coming year. Once again, we are intending to hold two members business meetings: one in March and another in October – both at interesting locations. We will also be organising our bi-monthly social get-togethers that proved so popular last year. Once again, we are planning to hold these at Caffeine and Machine. However, we’re open to suggestions if anyone would like to vary the location. Also on the agenda is the exclusive members’ trackday, where you can bring clients and staff along to test cars with your products or just have a good day out! Discussions with Castle Combe are currently taking place, although other venues are also being considered. Again, we’ll let you have an update as soon as further details are available. More news soon… Sonia Patmore – – 01455 288086 Co-ordSport are Full Members of the PAAA and would recommend everyone in the Aftermarket Trade to join up, they’re fighting for your intersts – with Government and EU lobying and lots of highly credible activities.