CSCC is extremely pleased to announce that...

New CSCC Brands Hatch GP Races

“We are extremely pleased to announce that the CSCC has secured a total of seven races supporting Fanatec GT World Challenge, on the Brands Hatch Grand Prix Layout, on 28th/29th August 2021.

Fanatec GT World Challenge (formerly known as Blancpain) is the highest profile international car championship to race at an MSV circuit this year, so it is a privilege for our members to be part of this event. Perhaps we can persuade one or two GTWCE drivers to enter our Liqui Moly Slicks race too?!


The larger, 46 car GP grid allows us to accommodate and combine members from ten of our series in August, with our eleventh series, the Co-ordSport Tin Tops racing on the GP in May instead. Please note that this August event will therefore no longer be a CSCC-run meeting, although the CSCC office team and volunteers will be there to look after you. We would like to thank MSVR for their support.

As a tribute to Ricky Parker-Morris, the JMC Racing Special Saloons and Modsports Series will enjoy two, standalone, twenty-minute races, at this, his local circuit.

All other races will be 40 minutes, with 30 minutes qualifying time, with some series split over two days, see updated calendar here:


We hope to live stream all CSCC races, plus there should be large crowds of spectators at the event too. Overnight stays will be permitted, with your usual allocation of competitor e-tickets being anticipated. More details will follow, before we open entries around June. For now, we hope you will ensure this one is firmly in your diaries.”

New CSCC Brands Hatch GP Races (


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