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Calling all entrepreneurs!

As a UK graduate of 10,000 Small Businesses I found this interesting and something that appeals as very relevant:

Not so long ago I was in a meeting with a number of other business owners, founders, managers and leaders. We all agreed that finding great (not just good!) staff could be challenging (and vital to the success of the organisation). One manager went on to state that he blamed schools for not promoting his industry (engineering) enough and that the pool of talent seemed to be getting ever smaller. I asked him what HE was doing about it. He looked aghast at me and remonstrated that “it wasn’t his job”….

Surely it is as much our job to plant those seeds and create that desire as it is anyone’s?! More so if you care passionately about the future direction of your organisation, profession or industry. As business people (regardless of your sector or role), who is better placed to talk about the path we took to get where we are today (both ups and downs); what motivates us to do what we do; to give tips and advice; to help shape the future…?

If you feel as I do, start by giving the most valuable gift of all… time. Start with an hour. Who knows where that may lead, you may well be helping to kickstart the next wave of entrepreneurs!

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Simon Wheeler

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