VDAT Lawsuit Against Porsche

In November 2013 VDAT (Verband der Automobiltuner) filed a lawsuit in Germany against Porsche, who did not want vehicles, accessories and spare parts to be supplied to the tuning industry, or the tuning industry to be able to provide aftermarket parts to Porsche owners that would replace or augment the OE items.

Not only to tuning companies, Porsche tried to prohibit its dealers to sell cars or parts to anyone who was even remotely associated to a performance aftermarket business – even if the car had been ordered as a regular means of transport.

On 2nd April this year, a judgement by the Oberlandesgericht (Higher Regional Court) in Stuttgart ruled that Porsche’s attempt to impose these restrictions was a violation of the German and European antitrust law. Consequently, it was declared that VDAT’s protest was entirely justified and consequently, it won the case outright.

Needless to say, had Porsche’s claim been upheld it would have had serious implications for the sustainability and ultimately the survival of the performance tuning industry as a whole.  Unsurprisingly, Porsche has appealed the ruling, but it is not expected its protest will be upheld.

Working alongside VDAT’s committee, the PAAA is rightly proud to have had input into this industry-threatening legal battle. It is an outstanding example of the important role the PAAA plays in these current times, when the pressures and changes within the automotive industry can directly affect the sector’s ability to trade.

We highlight this case when conveying the benefits of the PAAA to potential new members.

To view the official outcome, click here to download a bulletin issued by the ETO (European Tuning Organisation):


Should you be interested in consulting with or joining the Performance Automotive Aftermarket Association…

Sonia Patmore – info@paaa.eu.com – 01455 288086
Simon Slade – simon@rpmpromo.com – 01935 424873

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